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Specializing in:
Mental Health Awareness & Suicide Prevention | Disability Awareness| Children & Youth in Crisis | Integration of Mental Health & Faith | BIPOC Communities| BIPOC & "At-Risk Youth"| Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion/Cultural Competency Awareness | QPR Suicide Prevention Training | Workplace Violence Prevention
Adolescent Behavioral Health
Adolescent Development
Autism Awareness
Behavioral Health and Addictive Diseases
Bullying & Cyberbullying
Career Day Presentation
Check On Your Strong Friend, Check On Your Strong Self: Mental Health Awareness (Children/Youth, Men, Professionals, Women)
Child Trafficking & Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)
Collaborative Care: An Evidence Based Model
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Disabling Disability™️: Disability/Special Needs Awareness
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Diversity & Mental Health
Effective Interventions For ‘Disabling’ Racial Fatigue
Evidence-Based Interventions for Urban Communities (A Triangulation Approach)
Family Support for Family Members with Mental Illness
Grief Support
How do we cope, manage and navigate the challenges of love and marriage?
Managing the Mental Health & Wellness of Your Marriage
Mental Health and Wellness Awareness for First Responders (6 Modules)
Mental Health Awareness in Faith-Based Communities (6 Modules)
Mental Health & Faith
Mental Health & Men
Mental Health & Women
Mental Health & Children/Youth
Mental Health Awareness: “Ending the Silence, Shame and Stigma"
Overview of Crisis and De-Escalation Intervention Techniques
Overview of Intellectual Developmental Disorder and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Overview of Mental Health Law (Non-State Specific)
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Awareness
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in Children/Adolescents
The Psychological Toll Of Policing
Religious-Based Cognitive Behavior Therapy (R-CBT)
Responding to Children & Youth in Crisis
Self-Care & Compassion Fatigue
Spiritually Based Interventions for Faith-Based Communities
Suicide Awareness (An Upstream Approach)
The Basics of Psychopharmacology
The Church & Mental Health
The Impact of Racial Trauma & Microaggression on Minority Youth
Trauma Informed Care
Trauma Informed Policing
Workplace Violence Prevention
Dr. Cassell partners with “In Our Own Voice Speakers” - A presentation by individuals or family member with a lived experience with mental illness (30-40 mins.)
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